陈苏芳, 博士, 教授,硕士生导师
2009 - 20013 苏州大学材化部,博士
2000 - 2003 湖北省化学研究院,硕士
1996 – 2000 武汉工程大学(原武汉化工学院),学士
2020.1— 至今 武汉工程大学化工与制药学院,教授
2013.7-2019.12 武汉工程大学化工与制药学院,副教授
2003.7-2013.6 武汉工程大学化工与制药学院,讲师
1. 多相催化剂的设计及应用
2. 功能超支化聚合物的应用
3. 吸附剂的开发及应用
1. 2021年,与企业签订“高性能水溶性防护涂层材料的研发” (横向)合同经费100万
2. 以超支化聚合物可控制备双孔硅铝费-托合成催化剂及性能研究, 国家自然科学基金 主持
3. 使用新型大孔硅基复合树脂分离高放废液中铂族金属的吸附机理研究,国家自然科学基金 参加
4. 光子晶体与上转换发光协同作用提高二氧化钛光催化性能规律及机理研究, 国家自然科学基金 参与
2024年 获湖北省技术发明一等奖
2021年 获石化联合会技术发明一等奖
1. Jinting Song, Sufang Chen*, Renliang Lyu, Daohong Zhang, Jingping Hong*. “Facile synthesis of hyperbranched magnetic nanospheres for highly efficient removal of methyl orange”. New Journal Of Chemistry 2023 48(22): 9945-9953.
2. Yiting Jing, Sufang Chen*, Zejun Xu, Tingcheng Li, Daohong Zhang. "Low-temperature supramolecular adhesives based on hyperbranched polyester." Express Polymer Letters 2023. 17(12): 1200-1211.
3. Xixi Xing, Sufang Chen,* Cun-wen Wang, Renliang Lyu, Daohong Zhang, Yuhua Zhang, Chengchao Liu, Jinlin Li,* and Jingping Hong*. "Co3O4 Nanowire Arrays Grown on Carbon Nanotube-Based Films for Fischer–Tropsch Synthesis." ACS Applied Nano Materials (2021) 4(8): 7811-7819.
4. Zejun Xu, Yeyun Liang, Xu Ma , Sufang Chen, Chenglong Yu, Yimei Wang , Daohong Zhang? and Menghe Miao "Recyclable thermoset hyperbranched polymers containing reversible hexahydro-s-triazine." Nature Sustainability(2020). 3(1): 29-34.
5. Chen Sufang*, QiuYanju, Xing Xixi, Wang Cunwen, Liu Chengchao, Zhang Yuhua, Hong Jingping, Li Jinlin and Zhang Daohong. Amino-ended hyperbranched polyamide modified SBA-15 as support for highly efficient cobalt Fischer-Tropsch synthesis catalyst Macromolecular Research, 2020.28(3):228-233
6. Chen Sufang, Chen Liang, Wang Yimei, Wang Cunwen, Miao Menghe and Zhang Daohong,Preparation of nanocomposites with epoxy resins and thiol-functionalized carbon nanotubes by thiol-ene click reaction. Polymer Testing, 2019. 77: p. 105912
7. Chen Sufang, Chen Liang, Wang Yimei, Wang Cunwen, Miao Menghe and Zhang Daohong. Load Transfer of Thiol-ended Hyperbranched Polymers to Improve Simultaneously Strength and Longation of CNTs/Epoxy Nanocomposites. European Polymer Journal, 2019.120: 109254
8. Chen Sufang*, Xing Xixi, Wang Cunwen, Liu Chengchao, Lyu Shuai, Zhang Yuhua, Zhang Daohong, Li Jinlin and Hong Jingping Preparation of mesoporous aluminosilicates with tunable morphologies and their effects on Fischer–Tropsch synthesis performance. Journal of Porous Materials, 2019.27: 217-223
9. Wang Yimei, Chen Sufang*, Chen Xianchao, Lu Yanfen, Miao Menghe and Zhang, Daohong*, Controllability of epoxy equivalent weight and performance of hyperbranched epoxy resins. Composites Part B: Engineering, 2019. 160: p. 615-625
10. Chen Sufang, Xu Zejun, and Zhang Daohong*, Synthesis and application of epoxy-ended hyperbranched polymers. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018. 343: p. 283-302.
11. Luping Wang, Sufang Chen*, Juan Cheng, Wenqiang Guo, Yimei Wang, Menghe Miao, Daohong Zhang*. Synthesis of Recyclable Hyperbranched Polymers with High Efficiency of Promoting Degradation of Epoxy Resins, ChemistrySelect, 2018,3:4873-4883.
12. Zhang Daohong*, Xiao Daiyong, Yu Qian, Chen Sufang*, Chen Shenghui, and Miao Menghe, Preparation of Mesoporous Silica from Electrolytic Manganese Slags by Using Amino-Ended Hyperbranched Polyamide as Template. Acs Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2017(5): p. 10258-10265.
13. Qiu Yanju, Chen Sufang*, Wang Cunwen, Lyu Renliang, Zhang Daohong, Liu Chengchao, Zhang Yuhua, and Li Jinlin, Preparation of SBA-15 with penetrating pores and their performance in Fischer–Tropsch synthesis. New Journal Of Chemistry, 2017. 41(23): p. 14109-14115.
14. Zhang Daohong*, Liu Tingting, Chen Sufang*, Miao Menghe, Cheng Juan, Zhang Aiqing, and Chen Shenghui, Amino-ended hyperbranched polyamide as template for tuning the morphology of self-assembled ZnS particles. Materials Chemistry And Physics, 2016. 184: p. 162-171.
15. Zhang Daohong*, Liu Tingting, Chen Sufang*, Miao Menghe, Cheng Juan, Chen Shenghui, Du Dongyun, and Li Jinlin, Influence of the molecular weights of amino-ended hyperbranched polyamide template on the morphology of self-assembled ZnS nanoparticles. Macromolecular Research, 2016. 24(10): p. 892-899.
16. Chen Sufang*, Wang Cunwen, Li Jinlin, Zhang Yuhua, Hong Jingping, Wen Xiong, and Liu Chengchao, ZSM-5 seed-grafted SBA-15 as a high performance support for cobalt Fischer-Tropsch synthesis catalysts. Catalysis Science & Technology, 2015. 5(11): p. 4985-4990.
17. Chen Sufang, Li Jinlin, Zhang Yuhua, Zhao Yanxi, Liew Kongyong, and Hong Jingping, Ru catalysts supported on Al-SBA-15 with high aluminum content and their bifunctional catalytic performance in Fischer-Tropsch synthesis. Catalysis Science & Technology, 2014. 4(4): p. 1005-1011.
18. Chen Sufang, Li Jinlin, Zhang Yuhua, Zhao Yanxi, Liew Kongyong, and Hong Jinping, Production of Lower Olefins with Highly Dispersed Ru Catalysts Supported on Al-SBA-15 in Fischer–Tropsch Synthesis. Topics In Catalysis, 2014. 57(6-9): p. 437-444.