地 址:湖北省武汉市东湖新技术开发区光谷一路206号武汉工程大学化工与制药学院
邮 编:430205
2009/09-2014/06 北京化工大学,化学工程与技术,博士
2005/09-2009/06 北京石油化工学院,化学工程与工艺,学士
2019/09-至今 武汉工程大学,化工与制药学院,副教授
2016/07-2019/08 中国科学院武汉物理与数学研究所,磁共振应用研究部,助理研究员
2014/07-2016/07 中国科学院武汉物理与数学研究所,原子分子光物理研究部,博士后
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,52373105,2024-2027。
2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,51503222,2016-2018。
3. 湖北省自然科学基金青年项目,2015CFB228,2015-2016。
1. Zhiguo Yan, Jieqing Liu, Ling Huang*, and Heqing Fu. Pb2+ removal based on the confinement effect in polygonal carbon nanotubes: a molecular dynamics simulation. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2023; 25: 5114.
2. Zhiguo Yan, Haiquan Xu, Ling Huang*, Heqing Fu, and Shaoping Li. Partial oxidation of methane to methanol on the M?O?Ag/graphene (M = Ag, Cu) composite catalyst: a DFT study. Langmuir 2023; 39: 2422?2434.
3. Ling Huang, Dan Chen, Jieqing Liu, Heqing Fu, Zhiguo Yan*. Aldol condensation reaction in hierarchical ZSM-5 zeolite: A molecular dynamics simulation. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 2023; 348:112393.
4. Zhiguo Yan, Dan Chen, Ling Huang*, Jieqing Liu, Heqing Fu, Yang Xiao, Shaoping Li. A theoretical insight into diffusion mechanism of benzene-methanol alkylation reaction in ZSM-5 zeolite. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 2022; 337: 111926.
5. Ling Huang, Guiru Wang, Zhiqiang Liu, Zhiguo Yan, Anmin Zheng, Dapeng Cao. Single atomic cu-anchored 2D covalent organic framework as a nanoreactor for CO2 capture and in-situ conversion: A computational study. Chemical Engineering Science 2022; 253: 117536.
6. Guoqing Ren, Guiru Wang, Hua Mei, Yan Xu, Ling Huang*. A theoretical insight into furfural conversion catalyzed on the Ni(111) surface. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2019; 21 (42): 23685-23696.
7. Ling Huang, Zhiqiang Liu, Wei Chen, Dapeng Cao, Anmin Zheng. Two-dimensional graphitic C3N5 materials: Promising metal-free catalysts and CO2 adsorbents. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2018; 6 (16): 7168-7174.
8. Jialu Li, Ling Huang#, Xiaoqin Zou, Anmin Zheng, Huiyan Li, Huazhen Rong, Guangshan Zhu. Porous organic materials with ultra-small pores and sulfonic functionality for xenon capture with exceptional selectivity. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2018; 6 (24): 11163-11168.
9. Guiru Wang, Ling Huang#, Wei Chen, Jian Zhou, Anmin Zheng. Rationally designing mixed cu–(μ-o)–M (M = Cu, Ag, Zn, Au) centers over zeolite materials with high catalytic activity towards methane activation. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2018; 20 (41): 26522-26531.
10. Zhiqiang Liu, Yueying Chu, Xiaomin Tang, Ling Huang*, Guangchao Li, Xianfeng Yi, Anmin Zheng. Diffusion dependence of the dual-cycle mechanism for MTO reaction inside ZSM-12 and ZSM-22 zeolites. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2017; 121 (41): 22872-22882.
11. Guangchao Li, Xianfeng Yi, Ling Huang*, Jizhou Jiang, Zhiwu Yu, Zhiqiang Liu, Anmin Zheng. Solvent effect inside the nanocage of zeolite catalysts: A combined solid-state NMR approach and multiscale simulation. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2017; 121 (31): 16921-16931.
12. Cong Bin Fan, Le Le Gong, Ling Huang#, Feng Luo, Rajamani Krishna, Xian Feng Yi, An Min Zheng, Le Zhang, Shou Zhi Pu, Xue Feng Feng, Ming Biao Luo, Guo Cong Guo. Significant enhancement of C2H2/C2H4 separation by a photochromic diarylethene unit: A temperature- and light-responsive separation switch. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2017; 56 (27): 7900-7906.