地址: 湖北省武汉市东湖新技术开发区光谷一路206号
E-mail: tielinwang@wit.edu.cn
2009 – 2012 挪威特勒玛克技术研究院(Tel-Tek)/特勒玛克大学学院工学部(Faculty of Technology, Telemark University College),博士
2002 – 2005 华中科技大学化学系,硕士
1991 – 1995 武汉化工学院化工系,学士
2014 -今 武汉工程大学化工与制药学院,特聘教授、教授
2009 – 2013 武汉工程大学化工与制药学院,副教授
1995 – 2008 武汉化工学院化工系助教、讲师
1. Duan Xiaoling, Yan Su, Tie Xinlong, Lei Xidan, Liu Zhiyi, Ma Zhichao, Wang Tielin*, Feng Weiliang*, Bimetallic Ce-Cr doped metal-organic frameworks as a heterogeneous catalyst for highly efficient biodiesel production from insect lipids, Renew. Energ., 2024, 224, 120128.
2. Zhou Desen, Zhang, Xuan Li Zheng, Zhang Jun*, Wang Tielin*, Cao Shaowen*, Construction of local coordination environment of iron sites over g-C3N4/ PCN-222(Fe) composite with high CO2 photoreduction performance, Appl. Catal. B-Environ. 2024, 344: 123639.
3. Hu Yinxiang, Zhou Desen, Qiu, Jiyu, Zhang Jun, Wang Tielin, Bi2O2S/CAU-17 bifunctional heterojunction for boosting CO2 photoreduction performance origin from the simultaneous photoxidation of tetracycline, Appl. Surf. Sci., 2024, 660: 159943.
4. Jin Zhenxing, Zhang Jun*, Qiu Jiyu, Hu Yuxuan, Di Tingmin, Wang Tielin*, Nitrogen vacancy-induced spin polarization of ultrathin zinc porphyrin nanosheets for efficient photocatalytic CO2 reduction, J. Colloid Interf. Sci., 2023, 652: 122-131.
5. Wu Zaikun*, She Liuxing, Ye Peng, Zhu Tianrong, Li Jinfan, Zhang Xianghe, Ma Jiayu, Wang, Tielin*, Extraction of H3PO4 from low-grade phosphate rocks leachate of HCl-route by the mixture of TBP and IPE: Optimization, mass transfer and mechanism, J. Mol. Liq., 2023, 120861.
6. Feng Weiliang, Tie Xinlong, Duan Xiaoling, Yan Su, Fang Si, Sun Peiyong, Gan Lin, Wang Tielin*, Covalent immobilization of phosphotungstic acid and amino acid on metal-organic frameworks with different structures: Acid-base bifunctional heterogeneous catalyst for the production of biodiesel from insect lipid, Renew. Energ., 2023, 210, 26-29.
7. Zhou Yandaizi, Wang Tielin*, Zhu Jesse*, Investigation on minimum fluidization velocity in a modified Geldart’s diagram, Chem. Eng. J., 2023, 453, 139984.
8. Zhou Desen, Shao Shuai, Zhang, Xuan, Di Tingmin, Zhang Jun*, Wang Tielin*, Wang Cunwen, Construction of a 2D layered BiVO4/zinc porphyrin (ZnTCPP) S-scheme heterostructure boosting photocatalytic N2 oxidation performance, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2023, 11(1): 401-407.
9. Zhou Desen, Zhang Jun*, Jin Zhenxing, Di Tingmin, Wang Tielin*, Reduced graphene oxide assisted g-C3N4/rGO/NiAl-LDHs type II heterostructure with high performance photocatalytic CO2 reduction, Chem. Eng. J., 2022, 450, 138108.
10. Shao Shuai, Zhang Jun*, Li Likun, QinYuanhang, Liu Zhaoqing, Wang Tielin*, Visible-light-driven photocatalytic N2 fixation to nitrates by 2D/2D ultrathin BiVO4 nanosheet/rGO nanocomposites, Chem. Commun., 2022, 58(13), 2184-2187.
11. Zhang Jun, Shao Shuai, Zhou Desen, XuQuanlong*, Wang Tielin*, ZnO nanowire arrays decorated 3D N-doped reduced graphene oxide nanotube framework for enhanced photocatalytic CO2 reduction performance, J. CO2 Util., 2021, 50, 101584.
12. Feng Weiliang, Wang Sunfei, DuanXiaoling, Wang Weiguo, Yang Fang, Xiong Jing, Wang Tielin*, Wang Cunwen*, A novel approach for enhancing lipid recovery for biodiesel production from wet energy biomass using surfactants-assisted extraction, Renew. Energ., 2021, 170, 462-470.
13. Feng Weiliang, Xiong Huan, Wang Weiguo,Duan Xiaolin, Yang Tong, Wu Cheng, Yang Fang, Wang Tielin*, Wang Cunwen*, A facile and mild one-pot process for direct extraction of lipids from wet energy insects of black soldier fly larvae, Renew. Energ., 2020, 147, 584-593.
14. Feng Weiliang, Xiong Huan, Wang Weiguo,Duan Xiaoling, Yang Tong, Wu Cheng, Yang Fang, Xiong Jing, Wang Tielin*, WangCunwen*, Energy consumption analysis of lipid extraction from black soldier fly biomass, Energy, 2019, 185, 1076-1085.
15. Wang Tielin, Meng Yang, Qin Yuanhang,Feng Weiliang, Wang Cunwen*, Removal of furfural and HMF from monosaccharides by nanofiltration and reverse osmosis membranes, J. Energy Inst., 2018, 91(3), 473-480.
4.一种利用萃取剂和盐酸酸解技术从磷钾伴生矿高效浸取K, Ca, Mg, P的方法,ZL201511020302.6
11. 一种利用生物载体技术处理有机污染物的方法,ZL202010568514.2
12. 一种金属离子改性Y型分子筛及其制备方法和应用,ZL202111127208.6
13. 低硅铝比型分子筛及其制备方法,ZL202111127000.4
14. NaY型分子筛及其制备方法和在吸附羰基硫方面的应用,ZL202111127213.7
15. 一种磷钾伴生矿制备氟硅酸钾和NPK复合肥的方法,ZL202110048930.4